Company Number: 3652566 |  The Learn Centre Ltd, 3A Penns Road, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 2EW
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The assessment and learning platform for
payroll professionals 

With 1000s of questions over an extensive range of topics, you can quickly identify where your team’s strengths and weaknesses lie.  

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ACT's 3 Assessment Levels
Pricing Table with Tooltip Icon
Type Feature Essential Premium
Online Assessment Traffic Light Dashboard i The "Red / Amber / Green" reporting dashboards in ACT give Learners and Managers a quick and easy visual representation of overall performance.
Three Assessment Levels i ACT users have access to our Core Assessment and two higher-level Assessments. In all this covers 30 different modules and hundreds of payroll-specific topics.
Unlimited Re-sits i All ACT Learners can take our Quizzes & Assessment as many times as they like each tax year, with re-sits being approved by Managers.
Real-time Reporting i Results & reporting data in ACT is accessible in real-time: as soon as Learners have completed a Quiz these results are visible to them, and to their Managers.
eLearning Content Downloadable Training Manuals i The ACT system contains dozens of highly-detailed training documents, written by our expert team of payroll tutors. These are accessible and downloadable to all ACT users.
Quick-View Answer Videos i Every single question in ACT has its own bite-sized answer video, created by our education team. If you get a question wrong you can see a video explaining which answer was correct and why. X
Tutorial Videos i Every Quiz in ACT has its own tutorial video, created and presented by our expert team of Payroll tutors. These give users a 10-15 minute learning resource to go alongside each Quiz. X
Customer Service Review Meetings Annually Quarterly


Newest quiz release/software update

01798 861 111

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Take a closer look at ACT 

ACT is a one-of-a-kind learning platform designed to assess your Payroll team’s knowledge and display the results in a clear, easy-to-use dashboard.

Staff will sit a variety of quizzes developed by our expert education team and be provided with training videos and manuals to help develop their knowledge.

Using these results we can then provide you with a bespoke training plan to target areas of concern in the most cost-effective way.

ACT users have access to our Core Assessment and two higher-level Assessments. 

These cover 30 different modules and hundreds of payroll-specific topics.

Pricing and Features


Traffic Light Dashboard

3 Assessment Levels

Real Time Reporting

Unlimited Resits


Prices from


Traffic Light Dashboard

3 Assessment Levels

Real Time Reporting

Unlimited Resits

Training Manuals

Tutorial Videos

Quick Answer Videos

Prices from


Available as an annual subscription. Discount per volume available.

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Supporting your payroll team with expertly developed training

powered by                               

Traffic Light Dashboard
Three Assessment Levels
Unlimited Re-sits
Real-time Reporting
Downloadable Training Manuals
Quick-View Answer Videos
Tutorial Videos  






